Welcome to Essential Distilling. We are thrilled to be able to bring you some of the finest distilling equipment around and made with the best materials and workmanship. Most of stills and accessories we carry are made right here in the USA using high grade materials. We realize that we could import some cheap Chinese stills, but they will just be cheap stills and not built to last a lifetime.
We are fortunate to partner with one of the oldest and most experienced American smaller scale alcohol still suppliers giving you the best possible service and tapping into years of knowledge. This vast experience is shown in all the distillation columns, moonshine stills and other distilling equipment produced for both enthusiasts and commercial distillers alike.
In addition, we've also made sure to carry the stills that you can adapt with and explore their flexibility depending on your needs. These stills are capable of making fuel alcohol (where permitted), distilled water, vinegar, moonshine/alcohol and even essential oils. But make sure you check with your local and federal laws before taking up distilling to make sure it's legal where you live.
"American made stills, built to last a lifetime!"
Disclaimer: It is the responsibility of the individual who buys our products to use their equipment in accordance with their local laws. We do not accept any responsibility for illegal moonshine distillation or other illegal use. Moonshine distilling is illegal in certain countries. Our moonshine stills, alcohol stills, distillers yeast, and turbo yeast are intended for legal home distilling use. We do not wish to promote illegal use of your moonshine still. In the United States, individuals of legal drinking age may currently produce their own wine or beer for personal or household use, but producing distilled spirits at home is still illegal according to Federal law.